Wash Day February 2nd 2014.

Monday, February 03, 2014

a) Prepooed with Teiva Herbal Oil and essential oil mix for about three hours. I was busy doing chores hence the long hours.

Teiva Herbal Hair Oil and some essential oils
b) Shampoo with KeraCare 1st Lather Shampoo twice and the Keracare Hydrating Shampoo once.

KeraCare Shampoos
c) This week i took a break from tea rinses. so after i shampooed my hair I wrapped it in a towel for ten minutes to soak up the water and proceeded to deep condition. I choose to deep condition with a steamer this week because i am still experiencing some form of breakage and i wanted my hair to be in good shape before i install my protective style.

Freshly Shampooed Hair. Brown colour is from a hair dye i had in September 2013

d) So I  used the good old ORS Replenishing Conditioner mixed with orange, lemon and lavender essential oils.

Deep Condition Arsenal
Conditioner in Hair.

Me,  under the steamer
e) I sat under the steamer not sure for how many minutes but the steamer automatically goes off when it is done.
f) I allowed my hair to cool for about 5 mins and then hopped into the shower to rinse the conditioner out.  Dried my hair with a towel till it was damp. Then i applied almond oil to it.
g) I also applied some Organix Coconut Milk Splits Ends Mender to my hair and concentrating on my ends.
h) Finally, i applied Keracare leave-in to my whole hair. Generously in fact.

i) Did a roller set with ORS Wrap Set Lotion and magnetic rollers.

With Rollers
After the rollers were removed

 j) I sat in the hooded dryer for about 40 mins. After the stylist removed the rollers she based my scalp with T444z and applied Shea butter to my hair.

Final Results

The day after

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  1. Thanks Mira for the support.. :-D

  2. You hair really looks awesome....from the roots to the tips!!

  3. the shine from your hair is amazing! Keep up the good work, it looks really healthy.



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