Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Prepooed my hair overnight with almond, sesame, garlic infused coconut oil with a some drops of peppermint, tea tree and lavender essential oils. During the week, I felt my hair needed some strengthening boost but i did not want to do another protein treatment. So I decided to use my Amla powder. Yes! Amla is known for its strengthening and hair growth attributes.

I prepared my Amla mixture with coconut oil and some warm water. I mixed the four tablespoons of powder to some coconut oil and warm and stirred until I got a smooth paste. I left in overnight to set. I also steeped some 1 bag of black, green, nettle and peppermint tea in 1.5 litres of hot water overnight.

The following morning, I applied the Amla mixture to my hair and covered it with my shower cap for two hours.

Got into the shower and as usual let the cold water run over my hair for several minutes. I then shampooed with Keracare 1st Lather shampoo once and the Keracare Hydrating Detangling shampoo twice. I blotted my dry dry and proceeded to do a tea rinse.

I poured the tea mixture over my head and collecting it in a bucket each time. I did this five times and let the tea stay in my hair and covered with a shower cap for some minutes.

I poured my conditioner CON Argan Oil Intensive Moisture Treatment in a small glass bowl. Added some Roux Porosity Control, a table spoon of grapeseed oil and essential oils to it and put the bowl in some hot water for a 8-10 minutes.

I applied the warm mixture to my hair using the root to tip method method. Covered my hair again and sat under the dryer for 30 minutes.

Washed the conditioner out and my hair felt strong and soft at the same time. I wrapped my hair in my cotton dress and left it to dry.

Wash Day Arsenal

When my hair was about 90% dry, I applied my Aussie Luscious Long Leave-In Conditioner, Organix Coconut Milk Split Ends Mender and Organix Coconut Anti-Breakage Serum.

And then roller set with Keracare setting lotion.

Hair two days after washing.

The following day, I applied T444Z hair food to my scalp.


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