My Hair Story

Friday, April 19, 2013

I started getting relaxers in September 2002 when I completed senior secondary school. And it has been one setback after the other. I have experienced all the hair damages that you can imagine; that is dry hair, burnt scalp, over processed hair and tight braids resulting in severe breakage.

During my University days, my hair remained neck length for four years. I tried different products just to grow my hair. I actually had no idea on how to take care of my hair. The hairdressers were not helping either. I did not have my own hair products and relied mostly on shampoos and conditioners from salons I patronised.

One of the many setbacks I experienced was when I fixed a weave using the bonding glue method. When I finally took down my weave, I was left with matted hair and the hairdresser was impatient and pulled out my hair. This resulted in severe breakage and thinning of my hair at the back of my head.  I could not bear it and I went ahead to get a short bob cut. I cut my hair really short with the hope of starting all over again.

From April 2010 to September 2011, I had still not seen any improvement in my hair. All these while, I knew nothing about hair journeys. I discovered on my own at that time that whenever I relaxed my hair after twelve weeks my hair looked fuller and had more body.

Now to what actually broke the camel's hump (Lol). In September 2011, I took the decision not to relax my hair until February 2012 which I now know is termed as stretching just to gain some body and length. I gained a lot of new growth but when I relaxed my hair in February 2012 my hair remained at neck length. I was very frustrated and upset. I knew I was doing something wrong but I could not figure what it was.

Then I decided to do some research on black hair via the internet. I came across so many hair blogs such as (My Hair Inspiration),,, and These are my favourite hair blogs and I have learnt a lot from them.

Now, I have so much information and I have started building my own hair regimen. I am currently trying out a number of products which is not an easy task. One of the challenges I face is the unavailability of most of the quality hair products in our local beauty supply shops.

I officially started my hair journey on January 1, 2013. One of my New Year's resolutions is to have healthy relaxed hair in 2013. And I know with health comes length. I am still at Neck Length. My goal length is to reach Armpit Length by the end of the year. My overall hair goal length is Tailbone length which I know will take me five to six years.

Wish me luck!


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  1. so glad I found your blog! Hope your hair blog is going well.


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